This week reading the Mabharata reminded me of my World Religions class. I believe during our Hinduism section, we read part of the Mabharata. I think the Indian culture is interesting because of all the epics and gods in their stories. Each god is unique. It is also interesting that the "popular" gods change over time. It is an evolving religion, whereas other religions have one set god that they worship and have been worshipping for a long period of time. My storybook seems like an interesting idea, but I hope I can make it an amazing storybook. I think when it comes to projects it is 50% idea or concept and 50% execution.
Last weekend I had a very important interview. I think it went alright. I believe it could have gone better. I should know the results of the interview soon. The hardest part is waiting! I can be an impatient person. Although, this week has flown by quickly from sleeping and napping. I am anxious to see the results. Fingers crossed!
I am appreciative of the snow days we had this week. However, instead of using the time to catch up on classes, I have no idea where the time went. I was absolutely unproductive. I think the only productive thing I did during the break was go to work an hour earlier than normal. Coming back to school, I wished we did have school during those days. My anatomy class pushed back the practical and exam, which is good because I did not study for them during the break. However, my exam is on the day when the rest of my exams are! As it stands, I have three exams on Friday. In some ways, I am glad they are on the same day because they will be over all at once. On the other hand, I do have to be very careful on how much time I allocate for studying. I am starting to stress a little, but I am sure it will all work out.

(Snowflakes - Image Source)
That is exactly how I felt on my snow day! Although I am really appreciative of the time I had off from school I totally get what you mean when you go back and there is so much to do! One thing that I think that messes with me with a snow day is that my mind goes to weekend mode and I am just totally unproductive! Anyways, thanks for sharing your experiences!