I think Howard Gardner is correct in his observations that there are different types of intelligence. I have never thought of intelligence being in these categories. I have always thought of intelligence as two sections: book smart and life skills smart. The different factions makes sense and goes with the understanding that people are complex creatures. Each person is unique with their own sets of intelligence. Personally, I think I have some of the subcategories in the multiple intelligence but not all. For example, in the visual-spatial intelligence, I am proficient in seeing, drawing, and coloring. But, I am not good at visualizing or mapping. I think the intelligences that I will be able to grow in the classes I am taking this semester are visualizing, teaching/collaborating, and reading. In my Anatomy class, we are working on cadavers, so it is important to be able to visualize the area that is going tobe cut before making the incision to avoid any damage to important structures. In lab we are placed in groups, so it is also important for us to collaborate and teach each other the various structures in the body. In this class, since we read and write a lot, I think my linguistic skills will improve by the end of the semester. In the future, I would most like to grow my musical intelligence. I have always wanted to play an instrument but I have never been able to stick with it. My goal in the future is to be able to play the piano. I think practicing the instrument and setting time to look over the notes is a good way increase the intelligence in the area. It will definitely take dedication and passion to improve. Although it may be hard, it will be worth it in the end!

(Multiple Intelligence - LoveToKnow)
Bibliography: "Multiple Intelligence" by Howard Gardner. Web Source. Video Source.
I have thought about this throughout my life. I have always struggled with certain subject areas while excelling in others. It certainly makes sense that intelligence could be placed into multiple different categories. Some people may just be born to excel in certain areas of intelligence