Sunday, February 25, 2018

Learning Challenge: Time Challenge

3 Steps to Recapture Time by Joynicole Martinez - Website Link

The first step to recapture time is to make the to do list. It is about planning what you want to do and how you plan on accomplishing the goal. The second step it to focus on what is important. If there are anything that prevents you from your goals, such as negative people or responsibilities that have outlived their usefulness, it is best to get rid of them. If a project fails, it is good to recognize the failure and place resources to a better project. It is good to get rid of the clutter in life to focus and prioritize your time to more useful benefits. The third rule is to say no occasionally. As we prioritize, we eliminate space and time for additional tasks. By saying no, we are proactive with our time. The one thing that the article confirmed was the second step. It is important to identify what is important and what is worth doing in order to effectively utilize your time. A new thing that I learned was the first step. I am not normally the person who plans out their day. I go with the flow. I am curious to explore the art of saying no. Sometimes I have a hard time saying no because I want to help people out as much as I can. However, when I do so, sometimes it can distract me from my own tasks. I think I can act on this curiosity by implementing it right now. I am excited to put these new steps into use because I have a lot of upcoming tests and tasks that I need to focus on.

(Time management - Image Source

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