Friday, March 30, 2018

Reading Notes Part A - The Red Bud Tree

The Red-Bud Tree

Main Characters
Red-Bud Tree

In the forest there laid a wonderful tree called the Red-Bud Tree. There lived 4 princes who wanted to be the first to lay eyes on the tree. The eldest prince asked the chariot driver to take him to the forest where the Red-Bud Tree was. He saw a black and bare tree. Later in the spring, the next son went to the tree and saw the beautiful red buds. The third son went to visit the tree and saw that it was covered in green leaves. The youngest prince was taken to the tree and saw that it was covered with little bean pods. When the princes discussed the seemingly different tree, the king resolved their confusion. He said, "My sons, you have all four seen the same tree, but each of you saw it at a different time of year."

In the forest

Story Idea
A possible story idea that I would have is to use the original concept but possibly use different characters. Another story idea would be to have the tree be a person. This could be a take and insight on people with multiple personalities disorder. There could be four different personalities for the four different seasons. The person could be met by a person as four different times of the year, perhaps various holidays.

Image result for four season tree
(Four seasons tree - image source)

Bibliography. "The Red-Bud Tree" by Ellen C. Babbitt in More Jatakas Tales. Web Source. 

Review Week 10

As week 10 comes to a close, I am closer to finishing the class! I am very excited!! I am a little sad that it might mean that my portfolio does not get finished, but I think I will try to finish the portfolio even after I am finished with the class. I would like for it to be finished because it deserves to be. I am glad that the stress of finishing the class and the stories will be over though. I am ready to be able to use my time to focus more on my other classes and really utilizing the growth mindset.

My favorite video in the daily announcements is:

I think it important to improve one's confidence if it is not already high. Confidence can help a person face challenges in a more effective manner. I like that the video mentioned how confidence stemmed from DNA, environment, and choices we make. The video said to boost confidence is 1. Picturing success, 2. Believing in your ability to improve, and 3. Practice failure. It exemplifies the idea of Growth Mindset. 

My favorite picture from the daily announcements is:
Stretching - Image Source
I have always wanted to take up yoga. Today I stretched more than I normally do which is nothing. I would like to make it a habit to stretch every day. I notice in the morning that I am less limber than in the afternoon. I wonder how people can do yoga at 4 am, but I think they are on to something. The people who do yoga have a more relaxed mindset that I would like to achieve someday. Perhaps what I am trying to achieve is Nirvana?

Growth Mindset: The Sleeper

One thing I knew is everyone is an individual. However, a thing I learned is that it is time to start perceiving people that way. It is easy to judge someone by their actions but it is difficult to understand their actions without the context. One thing I am curious about is, how many times have I judged someone without knowing them? It is probably too many that I would be ashamed. I would like to take this curiosity and interact with people more. I don't want to just talk to people, but I want to get to know them more. I want to try and understand, why might someone do this or why might someone do that? Humans are complex creatures. It is time for more people to realize that there is more than one path and there is more reasons why than the answer, "just because"

Image result for individual
Individuality - Image Source

Bibliography. Video: The Sleeper. Web Source.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Growth Mindset: The Interview

I knew that growth mindset is an integral part of the people who are successful rather than those who had fixed mindsets. I try to obtain a growth mindset more and more with each challenge I face. I think it is important to have a growth mindset as soon as possible.
I learned that those who are praised by their intelligence are less likely to develop a growth mindset. Those kids do not want a challenge. They are more likely to give up. I have seen that on occasion. I have a friend who is smart but in the end, he decided that college was not for him. I wonder now if it was because he had a fixed mindset.
I am curious of the growth mindset. I hope to explore this concept more by applying myself in my studies with the idea that I can do it and that it just takes time to understand the material. I think the growth mindset provides a framework of self motivation and self confidence that I can succeed. The results will be my GPA at the end of the semester.

Image result for growth vs fixed mindset
(Growth vs Fixed mindset - Image Source)

Bibliography. Sal Khan interviewing Carol Dweck. Web Source. 

Learning Challenge: Prolonged Sitting


I knew that inactivity could lead to many diseases. One new thing I learned is the amount of sitting that was calculated in a day. It all adds up. An 8 hour day combined with an hour commute in a day amounted to 10 hours. If you calculate the amount of sitting while eating and enjoying activities, it could be 13 hours of sitting. Only 11 hours remain in the day which 9 hours are presumably used for sleep. Therefore there are 2 hours left to move around. I also learned that because of television, it has created more people to be glued to the chair. I am a victim of Netflix. I stay seated while I watch Netflix. A thing I am curious to explore is to move while watching Netflix. I noticed that the article did not say to stop the activity completely but to integrate physical activity about every 30 minutes. It is important to move at least 1 to 2 minutes just to keep the blood flow moving. Sometimes, I will watch Netflix while I am on the treadmill. I would like to act on my curiosity by only watching Netflix when I am on the treadmill or doing some sort of activity.

Image result for couch potato
(Couch potato - Image Source)

Bibliography. "Get Off the Couch Baby Boomers, or you may not be able to later." by Patti Neighmond. Web Source. 

Learning Challenge: Happiness Jar

My plan to obtain happiness this week was to be happier with myself. I find it easy to focus on the negativities in life or in myself. This picture not only represents a smiley face but it represents someone creating their own happiness. Instead of focusing on the negativities, I focused on the positivities. I realize that the person who encourages me the most and the person who holds me back that most is Myself. This week, I focused on the small accomplishments. I am happy with this week, but I know I can do better. I want to challenge myself to be a better Chelsea tomorrow and the days to come. I challenge myself to laugh more, smile more, study more, exercise more, and be happy. 

Image result for happiness
(Smiley face - Image Source)

Reading Notes Part A - Ganesha: The Remover of All Obstacles

Ganesha: The Remover of All Obstacles

Main Characters:

One day, Parvati wanted privacy in her own home. She told Nandi, Shiva's attendant, to make sure no one walked into the house. As Shiva approached the house, Nandi did not stop him because that was his master. Parvati was shocked when she saw Shiva walk into her room. Parvati decided to create her own attendant, a youthful boy who she called her son. She commanded her son to not allow anyone in, which he did his job very well. He did his job so well that he scared off Devas and Ganas. It required Vishnu and Shiva to decapitate him. Parvati was very angry when she heard of the news. She sent her henchmen to kill all the Devas and Ganas. Shiva told his Ganas to obtain the head of the first creature they saw and attach it to the boy's body. The Ganas ran into a single tusk elephant and brought the boy back to life. Shiva gave him an honorable status and Parvati was happy once again.

Mount Kaisala

Story Idea:
My story idea would be to tell the story in a movie script. I think there is a lot of opportunities for dialogue and action to portray in the story. I think it would be easy to convey the message without all the filler words that take away from it. I would like to name the youth, Nesha, before he became Ganesha. I would have assumed that his mother gave him a name rather than leaving him nameless. I would like to explore Parvati's side of the story as well. It seems like she is a very powerful person who only uses her powers when she feel the need. I wonder where and when she became so powerful. I believe it is a background story I would like to make up some time.

Image result for ganesha
(Ganesha - Image Source)

Author's Note: Retrieved from the Amar Chitra Katha comic book, Vol 509, Ganesha: The Remover of all Obstacles