Sunday, March 4, 2018

Growth Mindset: Focus

7 Key Maxim of a Mindset Focused on Growth by Martin Zwilling

Focusing, in general, can be a hard task to accomplish. Martin Zwilling shares seven steps on focusing on growth:

  1. A need to learn from customers, rather than educate them. 
  2. Develop market insights and a growth vision far beyond today. 
  3. Don't try to solve all the world's problems in one solution.
  4. Foster leadership and accountability at all levels of the company. 
  5. Partnering with customers, rather than acting as a supplier. 
  6. Replace "push" marketing with value-added "pull" marketing. 
  7. Manage by metrics rather than by crisis and emotion. 
Although, most of the key maxims are business related, it can be applied to more relatable topics. Here is my version of these key maxims in more broad statements. 
  1. Learn from others around you. 
  2. Look forward to the future. 
  3. Don't try to solve all the world's problems in one solution. 
  4. Be an accountable leader. 
  5. Befriending everyone is better than being unknown or an enemy. 
  6. Don't push people, but pull them in by intriguing ways. 
  7. Think logically about your decisions. 
Some of my renditions do not convey the full messages that Zwilling's did but I think it can still be applicable in various situations. It is important to keep these maxims in mind to be able to grow. I think 1 is a very important statement. As humans, we are creatures who learn by watching and doing. I think everyone has something to teach to the world. 2 is also a very important statement. In order to go, we must look toward the future. Looking in the past could hold us back from our potential. But reminiscing is different from being held back in the past. 7 is important step. Decisions should not be taken lightly and be thought out thoroughly. 

Image result for growth mindset
(Growth Mindset - Image Source)


  1. Hi Chelsea!
    I am very interest on this article as it seems to relate growth mindset to the work place. Finishing up my last semester at OU, the work field is slowly calling my name and I think it is a great idea for me to read this and learn how to apply such a mindset to my future. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Hi Chelsea!
    I read this article as well, but I love how you interpreted it. I like that you translated it into your own words. My favorite interpretation of yours is "be an accountable leader". It's so easy, when in a position of leadership, to be all talk and not always follow through. This is an important reminder because a leader can never gain respect if they aren't accountable.
