Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Introduction to an Idealist

A proper introduction,

Hello! My name is Chelsea Ton, if you did not know that. My major is Biochemistry Pre-Pharmacy. The coolest thing about my major is that it is a combination of two of my favorite subjects, biology and chemistry! The best class that I took last semester was Microbiology Lab. It was a very hands-on class. I have always been interested in the detective lifestyle. Therefore, the task of identifying my environmental isolate from that random spot on the staircase was fun. I also liked that I got to know my microorganism through each test we conducted. It was like getting to know a person more in-depth, as with each test, it shared a secret with me.

Aside from school, I love to spend time with my family, dog, and watch movies. My dog's name is Rudy, short for Rudolph, considering I am a Christmas baby. Although, he does not like to cuddle, I am determined to turn him into a cuddle buddy. He may have a sweet face, but do not let that fool you. He is a troublemaker.

(A majestic Rudy) 

During this winter break, I spent time with my extended family in California. The most recent movie I watched was The Greatest Showman. I love Hugh Jackman, Zendaya, and Zac Efron. I love musicals. Throughout the movie, I could not tell if I was getting goosebumps from the movie or the cold theater. It is definitely a movie that I would recommend to everyone!

Short to long goals and everything in-between
I am a very idealistic person. I can dream of goals to no end. Some obvious goals: graduate school, get a job, get married, have kids, buy a white picket fence house, the whole works. I have wanted to become a pharmacist since elementary school. At a young age, the goal seemed unobtainable. Now, it seems so close within reach. But one of my most important goals is to be happy. I want to reach a point where I am satisfied with my life I could die in that instance. 


  1. In my blog post, I referenced my Microbiology lab as well! That class was so much fun, although difficult (those lab exams, whew!). My environmental isolate was funky, and I loved getting a pure enough sample to see that only its wacky colonies were growing on the plate. It almost felt sentimental, when we tossed them out at the end of the semester!

    And I relate to your desire to be happy. I am pursuing a job avenue that likely won't result in me being particularly wealthy, but I don't care! I want to be happy more than anything else, because some people die rich and miserable. That won't be me! Working in a lab or working in the sciences, when that's your passion, will bring you happiness. I trust that we're both on the right path :)

    I look forward to reading your material in your blogs for the semester!


  2. Oh, a microbiology detective: that sounds great, Chelsea! And detective-style is such a fun storytelling style to use. It's a kind of backwards style where the detective often arrives on the scene after the crime or mystery or whatever has reached a kind of climax, and then she has to work backwards to try to figure out just how the pieces of the story fit together! I don't know if you saw any of the CSI-type projects people have done in the past for these classes, but they are really fun ones, so maybe you will want to experiment with some detective-style storytelling to see if you enjoy that! One person did something really cool where she took both this class and Myth-Folklore, and she used her same detective character for both projects (getting him to India involved the use of Airavata, the flying elephant who is the vehicle of the god Indra):
    Fairytale Case Files
    Fairytale Case Files: India
    And maybe Rudy could be your sleuthing sidekick; that is a lovely picture of him here in your post. He definitely knows how to strike a pose, in addition to being a troublemaker! :-)

  3. Hello Chelsea! I share in your love for Christmas, what an amazing holiday. And you combining Christmas and dogs. A winning combination if I've ever seen one. I haven't seen The Greatest Showman yet but its definitely on my list. any thing that weird looking with Hugh Jack has got to be a treat. Good luck with the rest of school!

  4. Hi Chelsea! I am in Micro Lab this semester, and so far, I love seeing my EI's grow. Right now we are just subculturing them, but I still think it is awesome to see them grow. Your dog is so cute! I love seeing pet in the introduction posts. I also really enjoyed The Greatest Showman! Nice meeting you and good luck this semester!

  5. Hi Chelsea! I really appreciate how your two favorite subjects are my two not so favorite subjects. I also really like the picture of your dog! Anyways, I really enjoyed reading your introduction and your little blurb at the end about your dreams seeming so far away when you were young now seem within reach really resonated with me when I read that. My experience with that feeling of my dreams within reach has been more of an anxious sort of knot in my stomach when I realize that college will be over soon and then I will have to face more of life. In a way it seems both exciting and frightening at the same time. Anyways, things for sharing your thoughts!

  6. Hi Chelsea!

    The two favorite subject of yours is not my favorite subject beside chemistry I like it little bit. Just like I like Christmas because I can go see my grandparents and be with my whole family. I am a senior but I still don't know what to do with my life after graduate so I decide to go for graduate school.

  7. Hey Chelsea! My favorite holiday is Christmas holiday because you get one month break and it also good break after getting done with final plus you can go on big vacation for a month. Obviously The Greatest Showman movie is going the hit because Huge Jack in there and he is also my favorite movie star. Wolverine was my favorite role he did a great job portraying that character.

  8. Hey Chelsea. I am an environmental science major and I will be taking Microbiology next semester. It looks like a great class and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Hugh Jackman is also a great person and actor. I always enjoyed watching him as wolverine the last 15 years or so in the X-Man movies. Your goals seems admirable and I hope you keep striving towards them.

  9. Hi Chelsea, it is nice to (virtually) meet you! Your love for the field of science is extremely evident throughout your introduction. That love and fascination for your major is awesome to witness. Haha, I love how you are trying to make Rudy a cuddle buddy - I hope that is going well! I still need to watch The Greatest Showman - my sister has already and she loved the movie. She said she experienced the same mix of emotions as you when she watched the movie! Well, it is nice to meet you and I hope you have a great semester!

  10. Hi Chelsea! Rudy is adorable, and I think that with enough cuddling you can turn him into a cuddle buddy. I always love to read personal stories about people who are becoming something that they have always wanted to be. Good luck with your semester and pharmacy school!

  11. Hi Chelsea! Its so awesome that you are so excited about your major. It is so important to pursue something you love. I am a music major and totally love musicals. I really enjoyed the Greatest Showman..I saw it twice! It was just sheer fun to watch. Happiness is such a great goal to have. Everything in life is trivial if you arent happy! Thanks for sharing a piece of your story with us.

  12. Hello Chelsea,
    Really cool that you're able to pursue a major that you love. Hope it's going well for you. I sucked at biology back in High School so I could never be in your major even if I wanted to. I am also a Christmas child, born on the 21st, so I enjoy Christmas stuff pretty much year round. Good luck with your pharmacy school.

  13. hey Chelsea , from start to finish of your introduction my mind was blowing. you formatted this very well and you seem very intelligent. I applauded Biochem majors , because I know chemistry is not my favorite subject but I do love biology. After reading the paragraph about Microbio Lab is makes me excited to take this course, I was a little effigy about it but you made it seem fun.

  14. Hi Chelsea! I loved hearing that you actually enjoy your major. I feel like a lot of people treat it as a means to an end. I'll be doing biochemistry this summer and then microbiology and the lab next semester. I hope they're as interesting as you say! I can identify with your frustration with Rudy. I had a sheltie when I was a kid and she wanted nothing to do with cuddling. Every once in a while, she'd kind of lean against me while sitting and that was the most love I ever got from her. She was also a trouble maker. The precious angel liked to eat holes in the walls :)

  15. Hey there, Chelsea!
    You seem to have a really positive outlook on life. That is always a great quality to possess! I am a Biology major myself, so I can relate to the grind that science courses provide. It is great to see that you have long and short term goals in mind. I think this always helps with staying focused and driven.

  16. Hi Cheslea! I really enjoyed your genuineness in sharing with us. I am thankful to see such passion and light in you and hope that this year is super abundant! Thank you for encouraging us with your life that is full of motivation and purpose. Enjoy week 7! Looking forward to reading more of your stories and getting to know you through your writing.

  17. Hi Chelsea. I feel like I was one weird day away from going bio chem. I loved microbiology in high school, and reading your descriptions of your lab sounded super flipping cool (but also made me sad because I didn't understand half of it.) I have made multiple plans to go see the greatest showman but they always fell through! I hope to go see it soon.

  18. Hi Chelsea! I also really loved Micro lab last semester, I thought I was going to hate it, but I enjoyed learning more and more about my isolate each class. Your dog is super cute, but I understand how sometimes those are the ones that are the biggest troublemakers! I work at a vet so we always have to watch out for those ones!

    I love how your main purpose in life is to be happy. It's easy to keep reaching and trying to get the next big thing, but it's much harder to just be content with where we are and love the life we have.

  19. Hi Chelsea!

    I loved my Micro lab! I felt almost weirdly... parental about my isolate from that course. Every class I've taken since that required isolate identification used rRNA sequencing, and it just wasn't the same at all. I miss that lab.

    Rudy is highly majestic! What kind of dog is he? He's beautiful (and I believe you about the troublemaker bit).

    Being happy with our lives is probably one of the most important things that we forget to strive for. Great goals!

  20. Hey Chelsea, your major in Biochemistry Pre-Pharmacy scares me but I am glad you enjoy it. I am not the best in science classes and when you combine math with it I have no hope of figuring it out. I also saw the movie, The Greatest Showman, multiple times. I am in love with the movie and all of the songs. I cannot get over with how well they choreographed the musical number to have the beats go so well with certain steps or moves. I listen to the sound track daily. Good luck with your classes this semester!

  21. Hi Chelsea, I saw the Greatest Showman too! I loved all the music in it, the writers for that movie are so talented to have come up with so many songs that everyone loves. Your major sounds hard but I'm glad that you are passionate about it, I have a lot of science major friends and I don't think I could ever take those classes haha. Well, good luck on the rest of school and graduating!

  22. Hey Chelsea!
    I am so glad you included a picture of Ruby! She is so cute. It is crazy how many pre-medical field people are in this class. I am pre-nursing and always super excited to meet people who share similar goals. I am also an idealist and big dreamer. I am always thinking of some grand plan for the future.

  23. Hey it was nice to get to meet you a little bit Chelsea! Biochem is such a cool major. I always find it fascinating to know how our bodies work and function. I hope that you find pharm school to be everything you hoped it would be! Good luck on everything left for the semester and for your career.

  24. Hey there, Chelsea! It is so nice to meet you! It is so cool that you are pre-Pharmacy! Being a pharmacist is such a unique way to serve others and your community. Also, your dog is BEAUTIFUL and I love his name. It is festive, but I like that you can also use Rudy for the rest of the year.
