Monday, February 12, 2018

Reading Notes: Ramayana Part B

Sita and the Twins

Main Characters:

Even though Sita passed the test of fire, the people were not happy. Rama felt that his only choice was to exile Sita. A sage named Valmiki takes Sita in where she births twins, Lava and Kusha. When Rama decided to do a horse sacrifice, people come all around, including his family. Lava and Kusha recite a sanskrit version of the story, Ramayana. When Rama asked the boys where they heard the story, the boys tell him it was from Valmiki. The next day, the boys are out playing and the villagers notice that the twins look very similar to Rama. Valmiki told Rama that the twins are his and then offers to bring Sita the next day.

The town plaza

Story Idea:
A story idea that I would like to explore is the perspective of Rama when he sees his twins. I know that Rama deeply cared for Sita but exiled her for the best interest of his people. But, people change when they view their children. I could only imagine the amount of emotions that rushed through him when he met his kids that he didn't know. It would also be interesting to do the story in Sita's or Valmiki's to the horse sacrifice and knowing that the possibility of Rama seeing his children would be high.
Image result for sita and twins
(Rama, Sita, and their twins - Image Source)

Bibliography: "Ramayana" from Divine Archer by F.J. Gould. Web Source.

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